For nearly two years we have deferred a necessary restructuring of our research laboratories next to the office space. The human capacity for an associated project management is not enough.
Description: Within the time the lab and office areas have changed uncontrolled in dependence of professional and personal needs. Workstation layout and emergency circuits in the labs are grown organically. Simple structures are not recognizable.
My task: Restructure of the office and laboratory areas in easily identifiable spatial arrangements. Clear separation of the laboratory areas and creation of a new structure of electrical, IT and compressed air supply for these laboratories. In the ideal case area savings in the office and laboratory areas will be achieved by future and permitted a denser surface coverage.
Particular problem: For the first movements of furniture "turning areas" in the relocation area are not available. The laboratory operation may not be affected because of ongoing research projects. All numbers and IT accounts of the staff have to be taken over to the new work place. Special seating requests are announced: Teams should remain in the immediate neighborhood, window seats preferred, short distances between the desk and laboratory space.
My procedure: collection of data in the present and future state, analysis of feasibility, design, planning and presentation of layout solutions and alternative solutions. Quantity surveying and tendering of required services, support of procurement, performance surveillance of contractors, schedule control, risk management and change management, surveillance of elimination of defects and final acceptance.