Thomas Uloth

Dipl.-Ing. for foundry industry

understand complex processes, analyze, identify critical paths and bottlenecks and provide fast help - these challenges have accompanied me on all professional stations. Three of them were:

Fritz Winter Eisengießerei

Performance improvement of the core shop

The special feature of the job for performance improvement in the core room was to create a quick help for the low value creation. Sales exceeded cost. The used technology was dominated; however, it was difficult to determine the variables of factors affecting quality. Different factors in the core room interact in a complex way: size, type, degree of angularity and grain size of sand, used amount of the resin and mixing ratio of curing components, exposure time, temperature and humidity during curing of the Core, state of the core boxes at the surface of the mold cavity, the fill and vent paths of the core sand and the filling pressure. Similar complex is the handling of cores from installation to the finished core package: drilling, screwing and gluing. All add technologies stand or fall with the smooth operation of industrial robots, grippers, screwdrivers, screw singlings, glue dosings and the curing of the glue with radiation energy. Also finishing the core surface requires great care with regard to adjustment and retention of the mixing ratio of water and ceramic powder. With this fullness of influences a concept was worked out with the operator within three weeks in order to achieve the required output.


Production process optimization in the zinc die casting

The complexity of the operation in the foundry was given by the variety of products and alloys and by the high differences in lot sizes in the downstream machining and assembly processes of manufacturing. A die-cast production is all the more economical the greater is the Gießlos. Because the non-negligible setup costs of a die casting machine during changing the mold will be allocated to the individual castings of the Gießlose. This logic conflicts with the storage costs of the castings because the downstream casting machining and assembly of parts cannot be made in the same stroke of casting production. Almost incidental but essential for success was the establishment of a kanban system to favor the proper classification and retrieval of castings. Great success brought the reduction of the setup time while changing the dies on the die-casting machines. In that manner the size of Gießloses and thus storage costs could be minimized cost-neutral.

Daimler AG

Relocation of pump production

The complexity of the pump production was determined by the size of the plants: approximately 11,000 sqm (approx. 1 ½ area of ​​a football field). Different adjacent media for plant and machinery are added: energy, compressed air, data performance, supply air, exhaust, industrial gases, industrial heating, conveyor systems and transfer facilities. Often special technical solutions for material handling were necessary by organically grown production units to link decentralized arrangements. After moving new devices for a compact arrangement had to replace the old conveyor systems. In extreme cases, not all the necessary types of energy were available at the place. Thus, in one case the heater of an industrial washing machine had to be converted from steam to electric power. The alternative to relocate a piping for steam media to the new location would have been less economical. But the delivery time of an electric register almost destroyed the conversion...

"Everything starts with your concern, your idea, your concept"

You want to change something in the company and look for someone to implement this with you or for you. Someone who understands your strategy, penetrates and analyzes processes to identify opportunities for improvement and planning. Someone who realizes new concepts together with your staff and who just stands straight for the achievement of goals.

Exactly that is my work as a consultant, coach and interim manager: Ensure the operational success of your concept. And with high sustainability. What are you waiting for? Just contact me …


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